Better Democracy NZ is a non-partisan, non-profit organisation.

Our mission is to foster the improvement of New Zealand's democratic system and encourage the use of direct democracy through the

Veto, Citizens' Initiated and Recall referendum.


Wednesday 11 November 2009

To all newspapers and MPs

Gone are the days of honest politicians, if such a time ever existed. Over the years, parliament has become a den of iniquity, full of

broken election promises, ignored referendums, abuse of taxpayer money, fraud, racism, physical violence and arrogance. Falling voter turnout only goes to prove the lack of trust New Zealanders have in their political system and their politicians. How long can we allow this unfettered power to go on without placing further checks and balances on our so called elected representatives? New Zealanders must have the final say on what happens in parliament and a vote once every three years at a general election is no longer enough. The Veto, Recall and Binding Citizens Initiated Referendums are political tools New Zealand must adopt without delay, if we are to truly be a democracy and not just an elected dictatorship. For the first time in my life I plan to protest by joining the march for democracy, walking up Queen Street, Auckland on the 21st of November. I hope others will join me and become the 6-8% of society who become politically active, the political gladiators, the select few who get off their backsides to make a difference.



Kevthefarmer said...

The government of New Zealand, in stonewalling the issue of the 87% vote against the "anti-smacking" law is sending a clear message to the citizens of this country that they are not prepared to have the public at large dictate to the political class how they run the country.

The most important thing for them is to demonstrate to their true masters, the global financial community, that they have the public at large on a tight leash and are able to govern without deference to public opinion. Of course the (Trans-) National (Corporation) Party and their far-right allies would dearly love to dump this piece of limp liberal social engineering in order to show faith with their rank-and-file supporters, but there is no capital to be gained by scoring brownie points over the Labour (Bureaucracy) Party this far away from an election and it is far more important to maintain the stability of the political class as a whole so they can carry on gorging at the trough of their taxpayer funded expense accounts whilst doing the bidding of their unelected overlords at the World Trade Organisation, World Bank and United Nations.

Shane Pleasance said...

I for one am very strongly in favour of stepping away from the conventional left/right politics.This approach has seen us continue our decline morally and economically as we squander the incredible opportunity we have living in our great land. In fact, as we consider the current governments approach of largely keeping intact Labours' policies, we see that they are pretty much both wealth redistribution socialist governments. Nats appear more interested in retrograde stamping on individual rights and responsibilities.

I am very much in the Libertarian camp. I do not expect much from the government, really. All I want them to do is to facilitate the protection of my rights and lawfully obtained property. I do not want state provided services, and it should be my right to be able to decline. It is my responsibility to care for my self, my family and my things, and to demonstrate a similar respect for others.

The more we abdicate our rights and responsibilities, the more the government will absorb, and the less we will do ourselves. That is what is happening.

Our democracy has become a mobocracy. Governments siding either with big business or against big business. I want none of it.

There is no honour in politics. There is no trust in our politicians. To accept the current situation is to acknowledge that someone else has a higher say over me and my family.
I expect only self determination & respect for others and their rights. To keep what is mine, and for you to keep what is yours.

I am not a slave.
Are you?

Steve Baron said...

I have to admire people like Shane and the many others who make a stand and fight for what they believe in. Not many are prepared to stand for parliament like Shane has. Only 6-8% of the population get actively involved in politics at some point in their lives, they are the gladiators who make a difference. The rest are apathetics. While there are aspects to admire about the Libertarians, those of personal responsibility and accountability, I still believe there is a need for some form of safety net. The trouble is this safety net has become a lifestyle for many. It has become abused. Some people have come to see this net as a right, it is not. It is there for people who genuinely need help which is what a caring society does. However, until loopholes and restrictions are tighter, abuse and overuse will continue. This belief is only enforced when we see politicians taking advantage of the system as well. I would suggest that 99% of us have transgressed at some stage of our lives. As an example, how many of us have "slipped" on the kitchen floor to get cheaper chiropractor fees thanks to ACC?

Shane Pleasance said...

Thanks for the kind words, Steve, but not sure I would use the word 'gladiator', and I am certain thats not the word my wife used.

My motives vacillate between "wanting to be left the **** alone" and "sad we are squandering opportunity in this fabulous country", depending on what side of the bed I got out of.

Just wanted to pick up one point which may be misconstrued: - (certainly us Libz are not good at getting our message across).

A safety net - absolutely. To deny this is to vilify human nature. Sadly, this seems to be what has happened. Just one tiny example: there is no longer a connection between the person who provides the support (taxed) and the person receiving assistance. This distance, I believe, denies the supporter any sense of well being (us Libz are about rational self interest, remember!?)
In the face of this distance - the support has become an 'entitlement' - and the giver feels resentment.
(Its not 'giving', however - its taken by force, and largely mismanaged, but thats another discussion)

I recently spoke at a local rotary meet, and suggested, not entirely tongue in cheek, that an organisation like theirs would be well placed to manage welfare locally.
Well connected with local business, benevolent, frugal - "I have just the place for you..." etc.

Any worse than the monstrosity we have now?

Steve, kudos to you sir for your stand, and my ongoing support.

Kind regards