Better Democracy NZ is a non-partisan, non-profit organisation.

Our mission is to foster the improvement of New Zealand's democratic system and encourage the use of direct democracy through the

Veto, Citizens' Initiated and Recall referendum.


Thursday, 21 March 2013

Australian Senate Bill for Citizens Initiated Referenda

YOUR opportunity to make a submission - see below 

-------- Original message --------
From: Ronald Evans <>
Date: 20/03/2013 18:26 (GMT+10:00)
To: Evans Ronald <>
Subject: Inquiry into Citizen Initiated Referendum Bill 2013

Behold, I bring glad tidings. Please see below.

 Ladies & Gentlemen, this is a once in a lifetime chance to get Citizens' Initiated Referendums (CIR) so please do whatever you can to express your support. You could send a very brief statement to the committee merely saying that you support this proposal. Just one page, not many minutes of your time, please. You might also send an email to your federal MP and as many of your Senators as you think fit.  A few paragraphs, that's all; please. (Remember, it is always best when writing to a legislator to make clear that you are one of their constituents.)

 You may be assured that the the committee of CIR Australia will be making detailed submissions to the inquiry and will be doing everything possible to support this initiative from Senator Madigan. 

To the barricades citizens!

Ronald Evans
President CIR Australia


Legislation Committee

20 March 2013

Mr Ronald Evans 
Citizens Initiated Referendum- Australia
PO Box 3034
Norwood SA  5067
Dear Mr Evans
Inquiry into Citizen Initiated Referendum Bill 2013
On 14 March 2013, the Senate, on the recommendation of the Selection of Bills Committee, referred the Citizen Initiated Referendum Bill 2013 to the Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 24 June 2013. 
In undertaking the inquiry, the Committee is to consider:
1.             Citizens' Initiated Referendum (CIR) promotes greater openness and accountability in public decision-making. 
2.             Laws instituted as a result of a CIR are more clearly derived from the popular expression of the people's will. 
3.             Government authority flows from the people and is based upon their consent. 
4.             Citizens in a democracy have the responsibility to participate in the political system. 
5.               The Inter Parliamentary Union's call on member states to strengthen democracy through constitutional instruments including the citizen's right to initiate legislation.
The Committee invites you to provide a written submission addressing issues that may be of relevance to you. The submission should be lodged by 19 April 2013. The Committee prefers to receive submissions online as an attached document through the Committee's website via the Upload Submission Online link Alternatively, submissions may be emailed as an attached document to or mailed to the address below.
Submissions become Committee documents and are made public only after a decision by the Committee. Publication of submissions includes loading them onto the internet and making them available to other interested parties including the media. Please indicate if you wish the Committee to consider keeping your submission, or part thereof, confidential.
Any person or organisation making a submission must not release it without the approval of the Committee. Submissions are covered by parliamentary privilege, however the unauthorised release of a submission is not protected. 
Information relating to Senate committee inquiries, including notes to assist in the preparation of submissions for a committee, can be located on the Internet at
The Committee will consider all submissions, and may invite individuals and organisations to give evidence at a public hearing. 
Should you require further information, please contact the Committee Secretariat on (02) 6277 3530.

Yours sincerely

Christine McDonald

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Committee, FPA (SEN)" <>
Subject: Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee- Inquiry into Citizen Initiated Referendum Bill 2013
Date: 11:00:50 AM ACDT

1 comment:

Rusty Kane said...

I support in principle, BUT who writes and manages the process.
Who ensures that integrity is applied, including by the local media ...